
Senin, 29 September 2014


Untung Angsa adalah angsa yang malas dan selalu beruntung, juga tidak pernah gagal membuat sedih sepupunya Donal Bebek. Biasanya keponakan-keponakan Donal, Kwik, Kwek dan Kwak berusaha melawan keberuntungannya, tetapi malah membuat ia lebih beruntung dari biasanya. Biasanya ia dipercayai untuk melaksanakan tugas yang berat oleh Gober Bebek. Ia juga mencintai Desi Bebek, tapi ia harus melawan Donal Bebek yang juga mencintainya. Tapi, kadang-kadang, Desi dapat membuat Donal dan Untung akur, saat sama-sama tersisihkan oleh Desi, di situlah mereka bisa saling bercerita sebagai sahabat.
Terdapat 2 versi tentang posisi Untung Angsa di dalam ikatan keluarga bebek. Menurut versi Carl Barks, Untung Angsa adalah anak kandung dari Arkibal Bebek dan Trince Bebek. Setelah kedua orang tuanya meninggal karena terlalu banyak makan saat piknik, dia diadopsi oleh Matilda Bebek dan Fortunus Angsa. Menurut versi Don Rosa, Untung Angsa memang anak kandung Fortunus Angsa dan Trince Bebek. Matilda Bebek sebetulnya menikah dengan Profesor Otto.
Untung memiliki rahasia dalam hidupnya, ternyata pada awalnya, dia tidak mengandalkan hidup dari keberuntungan. Ia pernah terpaksa bekerja satu kali sebagai penjaga. Namun, itu karena terpaksa dan dia sangat malu sekali. Karena malu, penghasilannya sebesar 1 keping koin sampai disembunyikan terus pada celengannya. (pada film Gladstone's Terrible Secret )
Ibu dari Untung Angsa, Trince Bebek, adalah bebek yang dalam hidupnya selalu bernasib baik. Hal itu dikarenakan seorang pekerja yang mengagumi keelokan Trince yang baru lahir, dan juga karena ia disuruh oleh ayah Trince, ia mengecat sebuah Triple Distekfink (burung yang dipercayai mendatangkan keberuntungan) di pintu gudang. Orang tua Trince berharap ia selalu beruntung. Dan memang benar, ia selalu beruntung. Ia menikah dengan Fortunus Angsa, Fortunus sendiri, dari namanya sudah dapat diketahui kalau dia sukses dalam berbagai bidang karena keberuntungannya. Demikianlah, Untung mewarisi keberuntungan kedua orang tuanya terutama ibunya (didukung dengan tanggal lahir Untung dan ibunya yang sama). Namun warisan itu tidaklah cukup membuatnya sangat beruntung sampai sekarang. Bahkan, waktu ia masih kecil, saat berkelahi dengan Donal Bebek, ia mendapat musibah, Untung diikat dengan tali di depan pintu gudang yang terdapat tanda triple distelfink itu. Dan pintu itu, beserta gambarnya, ada dalam posisi terbalik. Malangnya, saat itu pula, dia tersambar petir. Saat itu adalah hari ulang tahunnya, akibatnya setiap tahun Untung selalu bernasib sial.
Namun nasibnya berubah, juga di hari ulang tahunnya, beberapa tahun kemudian, ia berkelahi dengan Donal Bebek, Untung tersambar petir di tempat yang sama, namun gambar triple distelfink itu kali ini tidak terbalik, akibatnya keberuntungan Untung menjadi berlipat-lipat dari sebelumnya, dan tidak ada lagi hari sial baginya.
Hal ini disadari Donal, dan ia berusaha mendapatkan keberuntungan Untung Angsa dengan membiarkan dirinya tersambar petir. Namum, nasib sialnya tidak pernah berubah
Ada juga desas desus, bahwa keberuntungan Untung Angsa didapat dari bunga merah yang tumbuh di gunung yang bernama Gunung Guluntung, tempat di mana Untung pernah tersesat waktu kecil. Donal teringat bahwa sejak itu, saat ia berumur 7 tahun, nasib baik selalu menyertai Untung. Donal semakin yakin ketika ia menemukan buku di pasar loak berjudul "1001 Cara Menjadi Beruntung". Di buku itu dijelaskan bahwa sebuah bunga merah di Gunung Guluntung bisa menyebabkan keberuntungan setahun penuh bagi pemetiknya.

Jumat, 26 September 2014


Reservation in the Restaurant, Hotel and Travel Agency
Reservation in the Restaurant, Hotel and Travel Agency

Special Expressions in making a reservation in the Travel agency, Restaurant, and hotel



would like to reserve 
Business class
Night flight
Return ticket

a single ticket to Jakarta


would like
am going
am supposed 

to book  a double room

for this weekend
Can  May Should
I / We
a table for two for lunch ?



I / we

make reservation for a week
my traveling to Bali ?
trip to Manado next week ?
journey to Lombok island tomorrow ?
I / we
book a train seat
for this afternoon ?

Special expressions in handling a reservation
Yes, sir/madam            what sort of room do you need ?
Yes, of course             do you prefer stalls or balcony ?        
Certainly. When will you fly, sir ?       ( simple future )
                When will you be flying, sir ?          ( future progressive )
I am sorry  to inform you that all (seats/ rooms/ tables/ tickets/inns) have been reserved

Constructions with enough and too
Too + Adjective
eg. This soup is too salty for me
The plane`s ticket is too expensive 
Adjective + Enough   
eg. The hotel room is comfortable enough
He will be old enough to take the trip to Africa

Kosa Kata (Vocabulary)






Sort of....

Some more







Checking account



Some expressions in the Restaurant, hotel and Travel agency
At the Restaurant
-        May I help you
-          What would you like to order ?
-          Are you ready to order ?
-          Would you care for a drink before dinner ?
-          May I take your order, please !
-          How would you like your meat? rare, medium or well done
-          Anything to drink ?                       
-          Vegetables !
-          Is everything all right here !
-          anything else ?
-          Just a minute !
-          Here you are.
-          we haven`t decided yet.
-          We are ready to order now. I`d like……
-          Excuse me, could we have some more !
-          May I have the bill. Please!
-          Everything is delicious here
-          Pass me the salt, please!
-          How much does it cost ?
-          What is the price of…….

At the Hotel
-          May I help you, sir/madam !
-          This is reservations
-          Welcome to our hotel.
-          For single or double room?
-          There are standard and deluxe with balcony room, here
-          I beg your pardon Sir !
-          Could you spell your first name, please?
-          May I have your ID card, sir/madam!
-          When do you plan for check in/ check out!
-          Have a nice stay, Sir/Madam.
-          Here is your key.
-          Would you like some help with your luggage?
-          Please, check your bill.
-  Excuse me!
-  I want to make reservation for single room.
-  I plan to check in tomorrow and stay for  a week,
-  What kind of facilities here?
-  What is the rate for single bedroom ?
-  What`s the check out time ?

At the Travel Agency
-          May I help you, sir/madam !
-          We have five flight a week, in the morning at 7.15 AM
-          Do you want to exchange the tickets ?
-          Adi Sumarmo is for the domestic flight only.
-          To abroad flight, you can fly from Sukarno Hatta
-          What can I do for you, Sir/Madam?
-          Would you like to take a seat, please?
-          Can I get you something to drink?
-          Just a moment, please.
-          I`d like to make a booking for three
 persons of Garuda flight to Singapore
-          Are there still seats available ?
-          Could I have a flight ticket to Singapore?
-          How many flight do you have to Singapore, a week ?
-          Do you stop over Batam ?

Exercise 1
Practice  in pairs and translate into Indonesian


WAITER          : Good Evening sir, welcome to our restaurant.
GUEST             : Good Evening!
WAITER          : Please be seated, I’m just bringing a glass of water for you.
GUEST             : Thanks!
WAITER          : What would you like to have sir ?
GUEST             : What’s your specialty ?
WAITER          : We are known for a delicious Chinese food.
GUEST             : Please bring one plate Manchurian with Fried Rice.
WAITER          : Kindly wait, your order will be delivered within 5-10 minutes.
GUEST             : OK.
WAITER          : (After Five Minutes) Here is your order sir.
GUEST             : Please bring one Coke also.
WAITER          : Yes sir.
GUEST             : (After having the meal) The food was quite good and your service also.
WAITER          : Thanks a lot!
GUEST             : Please bring the bill.
WAITER          : Here is the bill sir.
GUEST             : This is your bill and tip also.
WAITER          : Thank you, please do visit next time and have very wonderful night.
GUEST             : I will.

Exercise 2
Practice in pairs and translate into good English !

A : Permisi,  bisakah saya memesan 4 kamar untuk dua minggu?
B : Oh., tentu. Berapa lama anda akan disini ?
A : Bolehkah kami mengetahui harga ticket ke Bali, Pak ?
B : Tentu, Maaf . pesawat apa yang anda ingin ?
A : Dapatkah saya buat pesanan untuk perjalanan dengan kereta api  eksekutif ke Jakarta, minggu depan?
B : Ya. Boleh tahu nama dan alamat anda ? 
A : Omong-omong, berapa tarip per malam, di hotel ini ?
B : Tarip per malam 200.000 dengan pajak 21 %
A : Saya telah mendaftar untuk konperensi di hall hotel ini.
B : Maaf Pak. Kapan anda memesannya ?

Exercise 3
In pairs, rearrange these jumbled expressions into a good conversation.
Then, act it out with your partner.

                          IN A RESTAURANT

1. Waiter          : Would you like anything to drink?
2. Customer     : Yes. I’d like a hamburger and a large order of chips, please.
3. Waiter          : Yes, Sir. And would you like anything else?
4. Customer     : Yes, I’ll have a mixed fruit salad.
5. Waiter          : All right. What would you like for dessert?
6. Customer     : Yes. I’d like a large fresh coke, please.
7. Waiter          : May I take your order, please?
8. Customer     : yes. May I the have bill, please !
9. Waiter          : Is everything all right here.
10. Customer   : No, thank you. That’s all.
The customer has finished  eating

Exercise 4
Translate into good English !

1.      Kami akan memesan satu meja untuk makan malam 
2.      Berapa harga tiket kereta api kelas exekutif  ke Bandung ?
3.      Bisakah kami memesan kamar untuk hari Minggu ?
4.      Apakah yang ingin anda pesan, nona?
5.      Bisakah anda mengisi surat pemesanan ini?
6.      Berapa lama anda akan menginap di  “Setyaki hotel”
7.      Permisi, bisakah saya membayar dengan kartu kredit ?
8.      Permisi Pak, Dimana kamar mandi?
9.      Apakah ada masjid dekat restoran ini?
10.  Dimana  ruangan untuk  makan siang ?

Exercise 5
In pairs, makes short dialogue with the situation below
you call one of the hotel, to make a reservation and your friend as the receptionist answer the phone

Exercise 6
Makes a simple dialogue based on this situations, below ! choose one of the situation, then practice ! groups


RESERVATION ( Pemesanan )
a.      Making a Reservation :
·         I’d like to making reservation
·         I’d like to book a double room for two nights
·         Can I make reservation for my trip to Mokpo this week?
·         I’m interested in booking...
·         Can we have a table by the window?
·         Can I reserve a table for lunch?

b.      Confirm a Reservation :
·         I’d like to confirm my reservation
·         I’d like to confirm my flight

c.       Canceling a Reservation :
·         I’m sorry to inform you that I have to cancel my flight
·         I’d like to cancel my flight, I’m sorry
·         I’m afraid I have to cancel my reservation

       Example :
       Receptionist : Hello, Sapphire Blue Inn. May I help you?
       Caller           : Hello, I’d like to book single room  for two nights this weekend.
       Receptionist : Ok. We have many rooms to reserve for this weekend.
       Caller            : How much it cost?
       Recepcionist : It cost $ 129 dollars/night
       Caller            : Never mind.
       Recepcionist : Could you tell me your name?
       Caller            : Dennis. Dennis Park. P-A-R-K
       Recepcionist : Ok, Mr. Park, see you next week.
       Caller            : Okay!
Activity 1; Listen and complete the following dialog. When and where do you find these expressions in the dialog?
Hotel Clerk        : Hello. Sunnyside Inn. May I help you?
Man                  : Yes, I’d like to 1 a room for two on the 21st of March.
Hotel Clerk        : Okay. Let me check our 2 here for a moment. The 21st of May, right?
Man                  : No. March, not May.
Hotel Clerk        : Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmmm.
Man                  : Are you all booked that 3 ?
Hotel Clerk        : Well, we do have one 4 available, complete with a kitchenette and sauna
  bath. And the view of  the city is great, too.
Man                  : How much is that?
Hotel Clerk        : It’s only $200 dollars, plus a 10% room 5 .
Man                  : Oh, that’s a little too expensive for me. Do you have a 6 room available either
  on the 20th or the 22nd?
Hotel Clerk        : Well, would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?
Man                  : Non-smoking, please.
Hotel Clerk        : Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we’re full on the 22nd, 7
  you want a smoking room.
Man                  : Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th?
Hotel Clerk        : $80 dollars, plus the 10% room tax.
Man                  : Okay, that’ll be 8 .
Hotel Clerk        : All right. Could I have your name, please?
Man                  : Yes. Bob Maexner.
Hotel Clerk        : How do you 9 your last name, Mr. Maexner?
Man                  : M-A-E-X-N-E-R.
Hotel Clerk        : Okay, Mr. Maexner, we look 10 to seeing you on March 20th.
Man                  : Okay. Goodbye.

Task 1;  Listen to the dialog and answer these questions based on the dialog you have heard.
1. What is the dialog about?                              2. Where does the dialog take place?
3. What does Mr. Suripto book?                                    4. What does he say?
5. How does the receptionist respond?               6. How long will Mr. Suripto reserve the room?
7. What does the receptionist ask Mr. Suripto?  
8. Do you think making reservation is important? Why or why not?

Task 2; Work in groups and listen to another dialog. Then identify the expressions of making and taking a reservation.
Reservation clerk           : How would you like to pay, Mr. Pamungkas?
Arya Pamungkas           : Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket?
Reservation clerk           : Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours
  before departure time.
Arya Pamungkas           : I see.
Reservation clerk           : Now you have been booked, Mr. Pamungkas. The flight leaves at
  6:45 a.m., and your arrival in Pontianak will be at 9:25 a.m., local
  time. The flight number is NWA 476.
Arya Pamungkas           : Thank you.

Task 3; Work in groups and listen to another dialog. Then identify the expressions of taking and making reservations.
Receptionist      : Good afternoon, Marcopolo Hotel. May I help you?
Mrs. Siregar      : Yes. I'd like to book a room, please.
Receptionist      : Certainly. When would it be, Madam?
Mrs. Siregar      : May the 11th.
Receptionist      : How long will you be staying?
Mrs. Siregar      : Three nights.
Receptionist      : What kind of room would you like, madam?
Mrs. Siregar      : Er… double with bath. I'd appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view
  over the valley.
Receptionist      : Certainly, Madam. I'll just check. Yes, we have a room, the 5th floor with a
  really splendid view.
Mrs. Siregar      : Fine. How much is the charge per night?
Receptionist      : Would you like breakfast?
Mrs. Siregar      : No, thanks.
Receptionist      : It's Rp984,500 per night excluding tax.
Mrs. Siregar      : That's fine.
Receptionist      : Under what name would you like the reservation, please?
Mrs. Siregar      : Mr. and Mrs. Siregar, that's S-I-R-E-G-A-R.
Receptionist      : Okay, let me make sure I got that: Mr. and Mrs. Siregar. Double with bath for
  May the 11th, 12th, and 13th. Is that correct?
Mrs. Siregar      : Yes, it is. Thank you.
Receptionist      : Thank you for choosing Marcopolo Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye.
Mrs. Siregar      : Goodbye.

Task 4; Read and practice the following expressions. Then classify them into expressions of making a reservation or taking/handling a reservation.
1. Tiara Hotel, good morning. Can I help you?    
2. I would like to reserve a ticket to Bali, please.
3. Have you booked before, Ma'am?                 
4. Can I book a seat for this afternoon?
5. When will you fly, Sir?           
6. Could I reserve two tables for dinner tomorrow night?
7. How many tickets do you want, Miss?                       
8. I’m sorry to inform you that all seats have been reserved.
8. I would like to book a single room for next weekend, please.
9. 10. Your reservation is only valid if you confirm at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Thank you.

Reservation is very important to make sure whether your affairs can be taken or not. Taken from Reader’s Digest

Taking Reservations
Opening Conversations of Receptionist:
• Yes. Sir/Miss/Ma'am, can I help you?
• Good morning, may I help you?
• Lestari Hotel, could I help you?

Hotel Reservation:
• What kinds of room do you need?
• Would you like single or double bed?
• How long will you stay, Sir/Ma’am?

Ticket Reservation:
• What ticket do you want, Sir/Ma’am?
• When will you �� y, Sir/Ma’am?
• When will you arrive?

Refusing Reservations:
• I’m sorry to inform you that all rooms/
  seats/tickets/tables have been reserved.
• I’m really sorry, I’m afraid we cannot make any
  reservations for you.
• All rooms/seats/tickets/tables have been 

Task 5;  Work individually and read these situations. Then make a short dialog based on the following situations. Then, act it out.
1.     You will go to Medan by plane on Sunday, June 10th at 1.00 p.m. You reserve a single ticket for executive class.
2.     You book a hotel for holiday this weekend. You reserve a double room for three days.
3.     You want to book a train seat tomorrow morning. You book two tickets for business class.

Task 6; Read the reservation letter from a company’s secretary. Then answer the questions.
Jalan A. P. Pettarani No. 5 Makassar Phone: 62411-425501
17 June 2007
The Manager Hotel Panakkukang
Jalan Boulevard No. 29-30 Makassar
Reservation Confirmation
Dear Mr. Mappangara,
I would like to confirm our booking in this morning for a single presidential room with bath, shower, private wireless telephone, internet network and small kitchen, for one of our executives, Mr. Welirangan. The reservation is for full board from 1–5 July 2007. I am also confirming the reservation for a small conference room to be available on 3 July, when Mr. Welirangan will be holding a meeting with our international clients.
Please find enclosed our bank draft (No. 92109 423 4431) for Rp10,000,000.00 as a deposit. The balance will be paid as soon as we receive the confirmation from you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Melina Latuihamallo
Personnel Secretary to Mr. Welirangan
Encl. City Bank Draft

1. Who is Melina?                                              2. What is the address of Melina’s work place?
3. What kind of letter does Melina write?             4. What is it about?
5. Who is the letter sent to?


(ungkapan yang dipakai untuk membuat dan menangani pesanan).


Making reservation :
Handling reservation :
-I’d like to book………. please.
-I would like to reserve……….
-Can I make a reservation……
-Could I reserve……
-I want to book……
-I’d like to make ……..
-Yes, sir. ………
-Yes, madam. ……
-I’m sorry sir. We’re full this weekend
-Yes, of course.
-I’m afraid that all….have been reserved
-Certainly sir.
-I am sorry. All……have been sold out


A: Shogun Restaurant.
B: Hi, I would like to make a dinner reservation.
A: Of course, what evening will you be joining us on?
B: We will need the reservation for Tuesday night.
A: What time would you like the reservation for?
B: We would prefer 7:00 or 7:30.
A: How many people will you need the reservation for?
B: There will be 4 of us.
A: Fine, I can seat you at 7:00 on Tuesday, if you would kindly give me your name.
B: Thank you. The last name is Foster.
A: See you at 7:00 this Tuesday, Mr. Foster.
B: Thank you so much. I appreciate your help.



Making Reservations
It can be expressed using:
1. I would like to reserve a ticket.
2. Could/can/may I reserve a table for two for dinner tomorrow?
3. I would like/am going/want to book a single for tomorrow night.

Taking Reservations
Opening Conversations of Receptionist:
• Yes sir/mam/miss, can/may/could I help you?
• Good morning/afternoon, may I help you?
• Lestari Hotel, could I help you?

Hotel Reservation:
• What kind of room do you need?
• would you like a single or double bed?
• how long will you stay?

Ticket Reservation:
• What ticket do you want, Sir?
• When will you fly?

Refusing Reservations:
• I'm sorry to inform you that all rooms/seats/tickets/tables have been reserved.
• I'm really sorry, I'm afraid we cannot make any reservations for you.
• All rooms/seats/tables have been reserved.
Soal reservation

1. do you have any vacancies?
2. from what date?
3. for how many nights?
4. how long will you be staying for?

• one night
• two nights
• a week
• a fortnight (US English: two weeks)

5. what sort of room would you like?

6. I'd like a ...
• single room
• double room
• twin room
• triple room
• suite

7. I'd like a room with ...
• an en-suite bathroom
• a bath
• a shower
• a view
• a sea view
• a balcony

8. I'd like ...
• half board
• full board

9. could we have an extra bed?

• Asking about facilities
1. does the room have ...?
• internet access
• air conditioning
• television

2. is there a ...?
• swimming pool
• sauna
• gym
• beauty salon
• lift

3. do you allow pets?
4. do you have wheelchair access?
5. do you have a car park?

6. the room has a shared bathroom

• Discussing terms 1. what's the price per night?
2. is breakfast included?

3. that's a bit more than I wanted to pay
can you offer me any discount?

4. have you got anything ...?
• cheaper
• bigger
• quieter

5. could I see the room?

• Making the booking
1. OK, I'll take it
2. I'd like to make a reservation

3. what's your name, please?
4. could I take your name?

5. can I take your ...?
• credit card number
• telephone number

6. what time will you be arriving?

• Things you might see
1. Vacancies
2. No vacancies

Booking a hotel room
I´d like to book a room please.

Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you?
Mrs Ryefield:
Yes. I´d like to book a room, please.
Certainly. When for, madam?
Mrs Ryefield:
March the 23rd.
How long will you be staying?
Mrs Ryefield:
Three nights.
What kind of room would you like, madam?
Mrs Ryefield:
Er... double with bath. I´d appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake.
Certainly, madam. I´ll just check what we have available. . . Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a really splendid view.
Mrs Ryefield:
Fine. How much is the charge per night?
Would you like breakfast?
Mrs Ryefield:
No, thanks.
It´s eighty four euro per night excluding VAT.
Mrs Ryefield:
That´s fine.
Who´s the booking for, please, madam?
Mrs Ryefield:
Mr and Mrs Ryefield, that´s R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.
Okay, let me make sure I got that: Mr and Mrs Ryefield. Double with bath for March the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Is that correct?
Mrs Ryefield:
Yes it is. Thank you.
Let me give you your confirmation number. It´s: 7576385. I´ll repeat that: 7576385. Thank you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye.
Mrs Ryefield: